Change and Unification pt. 2

Inga, Winnie, Burkhard and Henning take us to the 90s: a decade of Change and Unification of East and West into the Germany we know today. They recall how a new, capitalistic system was implemented into the hearts and minds of the former citizens of the GDR: with great force and speed.

Free-floating years full of unknown dangers, in which these Children of the Change learnt to hide and adapt. In a deep analysis of what it means to create history, they reclaim their voices: word by word. In the process, they offer us mindfulness-lessons for modern life & show us how dealing with sudden shifts in ideology & power can support every millennial in the changes that lie ahead.

Part 2 of 2.

Producers: Andrea Voets and Luke Deane

Special thanks to: Lisa and the F.I.X, Glücklich 1, Jamaladeen Tacuma & Uwe Kropinski, UsedToBeNew, Jonas Gerigk, Niniwe, Zentralquartett , Hans Narva with HU-E, Andrea Voets

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Change and Unification pt. 1


Behind the Scenes